How To Find The Best Video Production Company For You

Nowadays, visual communication is extremely important and it is an integral part of our everyday life. Especially if we are talking about communication via Web, there is nothing better than a video to catch the attention of potential clients and introduce your company and your services.

In order for a video to actually be useful and help you reach your commercial and promotional goals, it has to be realized by professionals. This will guarantee you the necessary quality standard to be credible and convincing once online.

Of course, aesthetic also matters, and depending on the type of video we are filming, we will need a specific location. In this regard, we are very lucky, because no place is better than Italy when it comes to landscapes and cultural background. Whether you need a corporate video, a commercial, a documentary or an event video, the location will always be breathtaking and will add value to the final result.

But how can you find the best video production company for your needs? We know how! There are 4 simple steps to follow in order to find the right videographers for you.

1.Identify the candidates

The first thing to do may seem obvious, but it is very important: search on Google according to your location and write down a list of possible candidates. If a video production company also comes up in the organic results and not only in ads, this may be a sign of good quality. As a matter of fact, this means that the website has a good relevance on the Internet and people who type your same keywords often click on it. You should also take a look at Google Maps, in order to verify the geographical position of the company.

best video production company

2.Verify the quality

best video production companyThe same video production company might come up on different online platforms. This can be a positive sign because it means that a company is known and has relevance on the Web. However, the first thing to do is always to check out the official websites of the video production companies on your list. This is because a website is like an online window, an official presentation of the company. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and check the footer to make sure the website is updated. Take a look at the video previews and the clients portfolio.

3.Make contact

Once your list is complete, the time is right to contact the candidates! Every good website should have a “contact us” page where you can find all important company information. You can either send an email or fill in a specific form, if they have one. This latter option is preferable if you are not an expert and don’t know much about video production. As a matter of fact, the form will be specifically designed to ask you all necessary information to provide an accurate estimate. Always remember to ask for a cost breakdown, so that you will be able to better compare the answers.

4.Evaluate the answers

After about 24 hours you should have a good number of answers. The first thing to do is compare the quotes and, most of all, the cost breakdowns. This will allow you to understand if a lower price hides cheaper equipment or lesser quality of services. If you think that some of your questions remained unanswered, do not hesitate to write again and ask for more video production company

At this point, you should have your winner! If you read this far and we made it into your final list, take a minute to fill in our form or send us an email to