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We provide explainer video production services in Italy and Europe. Product launches, software presentations, promotional videos for crowdfunding campaigns.

Armonica Film provides promotional and explainer video production services in both commercial and corporate fields. Our videos are always conceived to meet the specific communication needs of each of our clients. We work closely with marketing departments and we supply all tools a company needs to connect with employees, customers and business partners.

Since 2005, we have been working with commercial and industrial entities, both nationally and internationally. Our training videos and tutorials can be used with an educational purpose both inside and outside the company. We can optimize our footage for all types of channels: websites, social media or television, either inside your facility or on site at fairs and exhibitions.

In our explainer videos category, you will also find video catalogues and product presentations. Over the years, we gained a lot of experience in presenting the specific features and functions of different types of products, also underlining the aesthetic side. We presented hardwares and softwares, prototypes, industrial installations, all sorts of services. The whole production process can be documented, from the first idea to the final product, filming production processes, laboratories and factories. Finally, we also realise videos for crowfunding campaigns on websites such as Kickstarter.

Armonica Film is in Genoa, Milan and Rome, but our camera crews can reach you wherever you need in Italy and Europe.


2005-2024 © Armonica Film SRL - Via Ramellina 14/2, 16157 Genova - CF/P.IVA: IT02855610990 - Registro delle Imprese di Genova - REA: GE-515887 - Cap.sociale 10.000 Euro